Cleaning Hair Tools Brand New
Clean you're hair tools a good shampoo detox
You're favorite comb , you don't have to replace just cleanse.The build up of usage destroys you're combs from combing properly through you're hair and add it's not very sanitary to you're hairdo. Luckily, theres tools that clean you're comb and brushes to save you money from buying new ones. Also, keep them brand new . Yes, there's ways to cleaning you're combs . No, chemical smell added to the typical way of cleaning combs you have to endure wth chemicals as there's multiple ways to clean you're hair tools, but im not against that cleaning ether.
Well, be sure to get the right cleaner tool because some of them are made more prone for brushes then degunk.
Scalpmaster Brush & Comb Cleaner EA - $0.93 Easily removes hair and residue form combs and brushes. |
The one cleaning tool im showing you is good and rated high as they base their tools for safety for the scalp. So, their tool should be good . The comb side is used for hair which should be used first and then brush part of the cleaner tool for build up. Depends, on closeness of the tooth of comb how easily it will be. Meaning, example like fine or wide toothed combs. Though, this tool does it all easily. You can use the regular cleansing way with a product below which isnt harsh to hands.
Cleaning Degunk Method:
I noticed these tools do take build up and hair off. I dont suggest rubbing alcohol for ever cleaning combs because it will be harsh you're combs or hairbrush.I do suggest using rubbing alcohol which will kill any germs and build up with cotton ball or cloth . Youn can hae to clean the cleaning tools once a month or how much you use these more. Also,flat irons you can use rubbing alcohol too . You then wipe the tool with warm water on a new cloth slightly damp then leave the tool air dry.
In between this to keep them anti bacterial and cleanse them. You can soak combs in shampoo and warm water in a mug or bowl to clean in between to keep them sanitized then rinse them. Also, you can use white vinegar to really clean , but rinse thoroughly ether way and leave dry. A toothbrush thats old or new with soft clean bristles to scrub or just leave the combs soak then rinse in whichever you're preference is.
Image credit: Palmolive website
You can use anti bacterial liquid soap like if you did use Palmolive because its gentle on hands . I'd say anti bacteria version of Palmolive as it kills germs.Instead, of shampoo or white vinegar , I use this product because a little goes a long way and it's inexpensive. Plus,the product is used for multiple other things . You could soak the cleaning tool this way too. Also, a way to clean you're hair brushes is using olive oil , I know it does clean and gleam jewerly. So, Palmolive nuff said.
Also, traditional way is with this ...
King Research Ship-Shape Comb and Brush Cleaner is a multi-purpose powered cleaner that quickly dissolves product build-up and is gentle on skin and hands. Cleans brushes and combs in minutes without scrubbing. Removes lotions, oils, dyes, tints, rinses and dirt. Ship-Shape Comb and Brush cleaner prolongs the life of your favorite brush or comb. The two-pound box washes over ten thousand combs and brushes. Also may be used to clean plastic, vinyl and chrome furniture and fixtures. Gentle on skin and hands. Complies with Sate Laws and EPA requirements for pre-cleaning tools prior to disinfecting them.
King Research Ship Shape Comb & Brush Cleaner 2lb Ea - $6.65 Multi-purpose cleanser, which safely cleans combs, brushes, rollers and salon surfaces. Dissolves quickly and removes build-up from styling products. Gentle on hands and skin. 2 lbs. |
- Cleans brushes and combs in minutes
- Prolongs the life of combs and brushes
King Research Ship-Shape Comb and Brush Cleaner is a multi-purpose powered cleaner that quickly dissolves product build-up and is gentle on skin and hands. Cleans brushes and combs in minutes without scrubbing. Removes lotions, oils, dyes, tints, rinses and dirt. Ship-Shape Comb and Brush cleaner prolongs the life of your favorite brush or comb. The two-pound box washes over ten thousand combs and brushes. Also may be used to clean plastic, vinyl and chrome furniture and fixtures. Gentle on skin and hands. Complies with Sate Laws and EPA requirements for pre-cleaning tools prior to disinfecting them.
The combs are sparkling new as you bought with these tips.I use these tools to get rid of residue and other times I do regular way of cleaning them. Mostly, I use the tool to get rid of hair and residue then do the regular cleansing way after.