Just chill the heat this summer

Stay cool this summer
Drink water as your body requires 
more liquid in the summer due to humidity.Okay, not to mention
the desert affect you get when your excercising in humidity high summer days.
Ice your drinks and drink plenty
of liquids. Your body will thank you.
 No, sweat off her back on her activities!
To keep You hydrated before your routine
 A tip of the ice berg to stay more cool is fill up a water bottle and put in the freezer for 30 min to Sixty minutes, and freeze another to take outdoors and the "iced-water" will last much longer because your water was frozen and major cool too!
Your be no match for the sunlight  and can carry on . the drink will be solid when you leave the house to go out and about ,but the heat will start melting it from the moment you take it out of the freezer, but will last longer then typical drinks you fridge. Your thrive from the icy slowly thawing water. Also, your water will stay cold and not beCome not so cool when your outdoor; Biking , hiking , jogging , or walking. 
Whatever you do ..
Personally, been looking for a drink trick to keep my drinks cool because they cool and melt down so quickly.Anyways, who wants warm drinks during the heat waves. Also, iced drinks boosts metabolism ! 
Icy cool points in this pointer to chill
Pulse  into A cool down points
 Chill your pulse points by pouring cold water over your wrist for a minute or so each hour IN the summer . Splashing water on your temples or face can produce  the  same Mirrored affect. No , wonder when you wake up splashing water in your face and  eyes perks you up to start the day. Also, cool water is anti ager too. You can do this anywhere which is a bonus at work or out. I believe in pulse Points Do work. I think I pointed that out.
Not your typical iced teas 
Celestial Seasonings has a version of mint green tea in an icey mix! 
You can brew mint tea to give you that cooling affect of menthol .The tea gives the same affect as mints and gum , but cools your body. Though, be sure to ice or let it cool down. Its the ultimate iced tea and add theres green mint tea out there for health .  So, double the benefits. Mint tea is good for digestive health too. Yes, the classic breath freshner.
Chai tea is another good tea to try if your sweating alot from excercising or environment.Supposly, prevents sweating .
      A flowery tea not just pretty..
I myself just discovered this on a new brand of cool as im researching healthy drinks to stay healthy and not too hot.the tea brewed ether hot or cold whatever your thirst quenches will do the same effect to cool you down.  Also, good tea to drink to help your digestive track battle certain foods. Especially, hot or those greasy foods you have at times which are really not that hot in your system.
 The chrysanthemum tea is served to brew literally  lower body temperature, according to China Daily.Its popular in china. The tea is used in medical to treat temperatures which isnt surprising in itself. Also, heat strokes and blood pressure .
The tea is a flower-based infusion made from chrysanthemum flowers of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum indicum, which are most popular in East Asia.its known as a cooling herb .
 The herb is known to perk you up and make you more alert too . The tea is an anti ager and high in vitamin a which is good for your skin's complexion as it detoxifies your inner body.Its caffeine free brew. So, it will be a beauty rest aid as it helps you sleep and be younger too .Flowers in the tea give an oh so summery outdoor outlook and floral slight scent  . 
Well, thats one summer tea beyond the others that has major health kick.
Also, be sure to apply spf 20 to 30 minutes before heading out into the sun to prevent sun damage and your skin from aging .  I put spf lotion on before i start my beauty and other routines then by the time im done its been that amount of time . Always ,wear sunglasses to protect your eyes outdoors.
It's cool to be cool ;) . Also, there's even natural essential peppermint cooling on the go oil. You can tote along and roll on . 
eveningtimes.co.uk, eatandbeauty

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