Earth spring cleaning anyone?
Be green and recycle more this spring and summer
Recycling is all over the globe
Im learning and blogging is fundamental. Also, I learn something everyday when I blog.So, when you learn something off my blog. Your guessing right im learning too by researching articles on subjects that interest me.Basically, we are recycling knowledge off one another lol. Jk. I know now you know it.
Thus, begins the cycle ...
Recycled old fact:
Recycling has been a common practice for most of human history, with recorded advocates as far back as Plato in 400 BC. During periods when resources were scarce, archaeological studies of ancient waste dumps show less household waste (such as ash, broken tools and pottery)—implying more waste was being recycled in the absence of new material.
Recycling is:
Reduce reuse begin again..
Recycling is a process to change waste into new products . Instead, of wasting a product away and disposing of it like its yesterdays trash.Recycling is to prevent waste of potentially reuseable materials that could be reused.Recycling is to reduce : the consumption of fresh raw materials, energy usage, air , and water pollution .The process of doing this minuses the need for on the go convient waste disposal. Also, lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to plastic production. Recycling is a modern waste reduction.Basically, we all know that and its been done for years even way back in their own way.Thankfully, recycling and trashing exists or our world would be a trash and sewage land .
Routine going:
Paper gets recycled and remade.Reused. Basically, collecting and processing materials normally tossed away in the trash.They then are renewed and turned into new products that can begin again. Basically, they are then recycled and renewed again . So, begins over the cycle of recycling.
The things you can do to be more green lifestyle is quite easy. The biggest step is recycling items in your house.Well, not only is recycling good for the earth, but in return its good way to declutter and keep your house clean.Sometimes, its confusing what can and not be recycled . Through, the years its grown at what you can and cant recycle. We are more and more making green and recycleable products that make our planet more breatheable and earth friendly.
Now, even some pens are becoming recycleable because they are made in such a way by the material which is similiar to a drink bottle. I just had been using one the other day amd thats pretty cool.I guess I wont be throwing some of my pens away that are recycleable in the old trash bin.Ive denoted our water bottle are being made more reuseable and green style too.
A guy recycling his envelope and smiling because the earth is happy :))
The green cycle benefits you and your space on earth:
Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators
Preserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals
Prevents pollution to your nose and others
Saves energy which is a major problem
Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change
Helps keep the environment and earth rolling for future generations
Helps even remake new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries
Saves the earth and of course critters
The air is much more pleasent....LOL
Theres a code with recycle lingo
easily, any item can be identified by the recycle symbol or number if it can be reused again and recycled.
Number on items code:
What is that number in recycle logo on my items?Recycling codes are used to identify the material from which an item is made, to facilitate easier recycling or other reprocessing. Such symbols have been defined for batteries, biomatter/organic material, glass, metals, paper, and plastics.So, much to write out, but key code termnology on items are to help you know what your recycling as im learning this myself by looking at the symbol and number on items.
What can be recycled?
Soft cover books
Paper , mail, envelopes
Alumni foil ( the box it comes in too) and bakeware
Wrapping paper of any season
Steel Cans (soups, veggie, coffee, beans,etc. )
(think Tin and rinse them out )
Food boxes (cereal, pasta, rice,etc)
Pizza boxes
(flatten the boxes lol . I step on them and fold them up)
Paint cans that are labeled latex. The can must not be full of liquid and dried out.
Also, opened.
( try kitty litter works wonders)
Electronics which is a brand new thing going in my area , but certain policies go with that. They can pick your electronics up of yesterdays gadgets.
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