Cinnanom is one hot spice

Just a scoop of this multi uses
The ever popular spice seasoning foods and drinks all year round. 
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum . 
The spice has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese and Ayruvedic medicine. Now, in our knowledge.
Two types of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon, known as true cinnamon, is native to South Asia. It is expensive and rare compared to the second kind, which is called cassia tree cinnamon. This variety is the one you'll most likely find on grocery store shelves in the U.S. Although it is cheaper, cassia tree cinnamon has a stronger odor and flavor than Ceylon cinnamon.
The spice is used in both sweet and savoury foods. Yes, its brewing in teas too .Though, theres health benefits from this spice that not only is warming to the body which is great to add to your warm drinks before you go out in the cold chill of the winter. It's like a extra warming layer to your body beyond the bulk of coats and winter attire.
A sprinkle with spunk
   It's diabetic friendly in balancing and controlling blood sugar lvls.Also,some research has found that a particular type of cinnamon, cassia cinnamon, may lower blood sugar levels even more so.So, cinnanom is a diabetic's daily health dose. Though, any kind or brand of cinnanom does the trick.
(Cinnanom trials )
 An animal study focusing on cinnamon's beneficial effects on insulin activity appeared in the December 2003 issue of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. Rats were given a daily dose of cinnamon (300 mg per kilogram of body weight) for a 3 week period, their skeletal muscle was able to absorb 17% more blood sugar per minute compared to that of control rats, which had not received cinnamon. Researchers attributed these results to cinnamon's enhancement of the muscle cells' insulin-signaling pathway.
In humans with type 2 diabetes, consuming as little as 1 gram (about 1/2 tsp of ground cinnamon) of cinnamon per day was found to reduce blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, and total cholesterol, in a study published in the December 2003 issue of Diabetes Care. The placebo-controlled study evaluated 60 people with type 2 diabetes (30 men and 30 women ranging in age from 44 to 58 years).
 They were divided into 6 groups. Groups 1, 2, and 3 were given 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon daily, while groups 4, 5, and 6 received 1, 3 or 6 grams of placebo. After 40 days, all three levels of cinnamon reduced blood sugar levels by 18-29%, triglycerides 23-30%, LDL cholesterol 7-27%, and total cholesterol 12-26%, while no significant changes were seen in those groups receiving placebo. The researchers found that including cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will help reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Cinnamon boosts your metabolism too. People take it by pills in herbal form and others just sprinkle it all over their drinks or food.
Herbal sick remedy honey and cinnanom in tea.
Cold and sick?
Did you know lemon and honey  in tea is not the only cold and flu helper?!
Cinnanom can be your ally in sickness combined with honey.
The spice seasoned to warm drinks can help reduce cold and flu grungy effects. 
Cinnamon’s oils and nutrient composition can reduce the symptoms of the virus. 
2 tsps of ground cinnamon to a steaming hot cup of green tea . You can add lemon juice  or a slice of lemon to help combat a respiratory infection along with it.Also, a soothing warming affect for those under the weather or chills.
Ways to cinnamonize spark your day.
Coffee. Scoop or sprinkle some in before you brew your coffee.
Your be caffeinated plus. Also, the taste is pretty good and quite hotly addicting.
Cocoa  proceed the same as above. It's a mexican cocoa fiesta.
Sprinkle it on pies, carrots, cranberries , sweet potatoes, yams, applesauce , yogurts, etc.
The legendary toast too...
Its endless.
I have spiced my cocoas, lattee, cappucinos, and coffee for perfect pick me up.  I know it's in the ingrediants of some of my teas. Example, chi teas.I gotten to the point where I desire the seasoning in my drinks. An aquired , but quick taste that seems to totally enhance my beverages.Also, if you like the complete natural package you can leave a whole cinnamon stick in your drink, but be warned dont leave it sit in too long or your really have a firy  really hot drink lol . I leave mine in for five or six minutes total and take the stick out. i like spicyness.So, could maximize it longer and tolerate it. 
Always, Choose organically grown cinnamon whether its sprinkle , liquid, or stick form to ensure that it has not been irradiated. I myself was knowledgeable in cinnanom , but much to my surprise regular old cinnanom is just that.Irradiating cinnamon may lead to a decrease in it's vitamin C and carotenoid content.Organic is best pick and highly recommended by myself and others that have gotten onto this.Mostly, I buy a huge thing of  organic  cinnamon and it lasts for months because a few sprinkles per day and thats it.
Did I mention the beauty of it?
Hair growth, lip plumper, anti acne, dry skin scrub,breath freshner, etc.
Lip scrub and plumper in two ways 
Well,  I kinda was researching all kinda ways cinnamon does not only for health as im a health fanatic, but beauty too . The cinnamon will cause tingling and plumpen you're lips. Olive oil conditions it. The cinnamon is almost like a lip enhancer. Crazy, but true and I read this in an article. I don't have time to do that, but if you want a natural based beauty product for your lips or have a fascination with cinnamon go at it. 
You get a clear sanitized jar that can fill it with nine cinnamon sticks.
An empty cinnamon   or spice jar works.
Pour Extra Virgin Olive oil in all the past the top of the cinnamon sticks.
Tightly, close the jar 
Wait, two weeks and be spicy.
The easiest way is this way as you don't have to wait a couple weeks.
Begin with a clean lips of no cosmetic product
Get a tiny bit of cinnamon
Vaseline or Aquaphor  
 You then mix them together on or in a container of you're choice
Apply the mix to your lips , but not over the lines.
Leave the mixture on for a bit then when fullness is achieved . Always, go easy on amount of cinnamon and gently rub your lips. 
 Yes, there will be slight stinging as it's normal the spice is hot like I said lol . You ever drink anything with cinnamon , it's the same feeling you get near you're lips.  It's the same affect as peppermint which ive seen other toss in the ingrediants near you're lips. You then carefully wipe off a towel.
Apply an extra outer coat of Vaseline or lip balm to soothe and condition. Done!
The ingrediants Vaseline or Aquaphor is pretty cheap and cinnamon. Olive oil too. It's pretty basic. Personally, I don't need this, but some people do lol. 
Yes, there's a lip plumper and primer out that you put on before you're lipstick or whatever you use on you're lips. It's cinnamon primed out. Guess what!? Cinnamon is the ingredient in there for some reason..
Well, this isn't so beauty..
Oh,yeah for spring problem . I got one suggestion with your little army bunkers .You know those army of ants invading your household and seem to be coming in hordes like out of no where. A dash on cinnanom  in their entry path and wherever else you might consider they are invading . They will leave with their flocks.I know this sounds  crazy , but sprinkle some on one and watch it go back its nest and buddies . They will spill the dirt.Its non chemical and environmental friendly.Anyways, who wants to deal with those disgusting ant traps.Ok,cheapo trick too.They hate and loathe cinnanom .So, watch those little ants march away.
Photos credit: searching, flavilicious fitness

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