Dolls Came to Life. Freaky!!!

                                          Yes, it's free play!
What to do ? You thought I wouldn't review the sims when I've  been a player sense old school Nintendo power lol. I've been a girl gamer for yrs but quit online ones due to issues and all that competitive crap. also , players with pea sized brains all with a click of a mouse . 
        The Sims free play is my dream and compact . I don't have to have a annoying computer monitor and    I can play it anywhere on my phone or IPad .I can watch my little people in their environment even    outside , but theres traffic and dangers . So, you get my drift. I can play sims freely on my iPhone     anywhere . I've had sims through their meta morphs from small dinky to large 3d it's a girls fantasy of a dream  doll house grown up. Also , good for creative people and all ages.So, don't tell me    i cant play with my dolls / sims.    
                  Yet , I cant say there isn't glitches . I've denoted on my wii many and pc .  Also, ipad version which can be halirious at times . Yes , there's comedy in it too.  
                  Cons :   
Takes days to do one action . Your sim is that slow of a critter.
You don't see your sim go to a market , store , or out in the streets about  . You know like some of the computer versions, you're sim walks to the locations and places past other sims you created .Except , at the other places like the park , club, competition center , or swimming area.
You don't see your sim like on the pc and game boxes shop for clothes and the other things.      
Experience takes forever too to level per action.
It's taken me weeks to walk or pee! You ever pee for beyond an hour . Jking .
Btw , is the dogs wacked or what ?! lol. The dogs are not that interactive and have basic actions . Dig, poop , and sleep. Repeat. They don't learn commands . The cats are limited too. Unlike their counter parts of pc / game boxes lol.  
 Your bff furry digs for money. I wish my dog would do that id be rich and not blogging or working .
You can romance Sims for several minutes . Lmao . Ha, that's a swoon of a kiss.
The actions are really action packed --- your sim takes his or her time in minutes to hours to do their actions. A for effort.  Nice , graphics and cute . Something , to look forward to watching my sims go from poor house to snazzyville.  Fun goals and endless customization from town , houses, and your sims that are apart of it.
Jobs, you have to take part in which is pretty cool.
Frequently ,they update the game and ive been with this sense beginning of Sims game.
They give interesting goals  event wise and holiday related themes along the way too. One was Spa event above. You win items related to the event.
Also, hairstyles , makeup, costumes, full length wardrobes, eye color change, and hats. Items related to your house or themes.
Sometimes, earned through the game.
The best house building simulation game !     Btw I don't play on gamecenter or social . Basically, i'm offline due to issues.It's just a pastime like offline game to do constructive art in building on a game  . So, you can imagine how hard it is to make money, actions  , and experience solo , but I have done it.
Images captured from my ipad on my game...
I had a German Shepard , go figure id try many times to get that breed. lol Reinstalling game because I  ended up with Mr Spots lol.
My sim version of me. :) My sim does fashions which add up money.Hobbies can make extra money. Yes, their jobs. 
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